
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Almost 2 Weeks Post Op

There's no place like home.   While it is so good to be home, things are certainly busier without the help of 24-hour nurses!  Henry was discharged last Friday morning after only 3 full days in the hospital.  The adrenaline of the whole procedure wore off after a couple of nights home and, of course, that's when Henry's separation anxiety kicked into high gear.  He began waking every 2 hours and not wanting to be put back into his crib.  Wait!? Didn't we just go through this newborn sleep cycle??

Last night was cause for celebration as Henry managed to comfort himself right back to sleep a few times and only truly woke up twice.  Hope it's not a fluke.  Daytime naps are the hardest for him and he "yells" at me like I have never heard a baby holler.  When he is awake, he is just pure sweetness.  Holds onto my neck and frequently nuzzles his head into me as we walk around investigating the house (ugh, no more rain, please).   Henry is even back to enjoying growling at his toys during tummy time and laughing during diaper changes.

The incision looks pretty darn good.  A few of the stitches are starting to pop out and look like crazy hairs that are in need of some gel to get them back in line.   Four year old Avery is rather disappointed to discover that Mom apparently was misunderstood when she told him that Henry would have a "red line" on his head that we'd have to be careful not to touch...he was so looking forward to seeing Henry's new "red light" in his head just like Buzz Lightyear.  We had a good laugh at that one.

We will be visiting Dr. Kuang next Wednesday for our 2-week post op visit and hope to get a passing grade on our home care of the incision.  I was quite relieved when the discharge nurse called earlier this week and let me know that it was ok that I was not able to clean the incision 5 times per day as Dr. Kuang had instructed.  I decided that sleep was more critical since he looks so good.

This has been an incredible journey for us "Northwest Teeds".  And even though we are so far from so many of you, we have felt so close to you all.  Thank you, thank you everyone for each word of love, prayer for good outcomes, and gifts of comfort.   We love and appreciate each and every one of our family members and friends.  Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. hi,

    I've been thinking about you guys a lot over the past few weeks and just thought to check your blog to see if you had an update here. I'm glad Henry's incision healed quickly, and I'm hoping that his sleep has improved by now, too. It can be such a long haul. I hope the time is passing quickly and that you are already seeing improvements!

